Have you ever been curious about how our screening buckets actually work? In this article we're going to explore the engineering behind our industry-leading range of screening buckets, as well as look at 5 tips to get the most from your Gyru-Star Compact Screening System.
These are the four key areas we're going to explore:
The flexible poly-stars
The choice of fragment sizes
The hydraulic system
The carbon belt drive
Flexible Poly-Stars for Non-Destructive Screening
Gyru-Star screening buckets use rotating flexible poly-stars to separate material. As the stars rotate, they create a tumbling action inside the bucket, which causes the undersized material to fall through the gaps between the stars.
The screening aperture, or gaps between the stars, can be adjusted by using a different size fragment kit. These are available in 4 different sizes, from 10-40mm.
As the polyurethane stars are flexible, they can screen material without crushing, shredding or tearing. This enables Gyru-Star screening buckets to be used for far more than just separating material, making them a highly versatile attachment for any kind of carrier.
The poly-stars also work exceptionally well with wet or sticky material, such as clay-heavy soils. As a result, you can keep working no matter the weather, which isn’t always possible with other kinds of screening equipment.
Fragment Sizes for Every Application
The size of the product the bucket produces is dictated by the fragment size. Simply put, this is the size of the gap between the poly-stars. Gyru-Star buckets are available in 4 different fragment sizes, 0-10mm, 0-20mm, 0-25mm and 0-40mm.
For applications where the fragment size needs to be reduced further, comb kits are also available.
When ordering your Gyru-Star screening bucket, you will need to specify your required fragment size. However, if your needs change, then the fragment size can easily be changed.
‘Plug and Play’ Hydraulic System
Gyru-Star screening buckets are hydraulically powered and are run from the carrier's auxiliary hydraulic circuit. Depending on which model you are using, the hydraulic flow rate with vary, though the hydraulic pressure is consistent across all models in the range (200 BAR).
Designed to be a ‘plug and play’ system, Gyru-Star screening buckets are ready to go from the moment they arrive on site.
For carriers without the option to control the flow rate, Gyru-Star screening buckets can be supplied with flow control valves. These can be fitted to any Gyru-Star screening bucket and enable the operator to manually adjust the flow rate.
These flow control systems are supplied as standard with all skid steer specific models (SL range).
Ultra-Reliable Carbon Belt Drive
Most poly-star screening buckets currently on the market still use chain drive systems. Not only are these drivelines loud, but they also require daily oiling and greasing, with the chains being prone to stretching.
To minimise downtime from maintenance, and maximise reliability, Gyru-Star screening buckets utilise an innovative and ultra-reliable carbon belt drive systems. As well as being self-tensioning, this system requires zero lubrication, eliminating the need to daily
greasing and oiling.
5 Tips for Fast and Efficient Screening
Please ensure that you refer to the original instructions for your Gyru-Star Compact Screening Systems. The following information does not override the original instructions.
No.1 – Get the Angle Right
When starting up your Gyru-Star screening bucket, getting the right angle can make a significant difference to the screening speed. Getting the correct angle ensures that you are using the entire screening area, maximising the efficiency of the bucket.
As a rule of thumb, the higher the moisture content of the material, the less angle that is required, as the material is generally heavier.
We suggest experimenting to see which angle works best for the material you are working with.
No.2 – Use the Right Bucket for the Right Application
Gyru-Star screening buckets are highly versatile, and there is little limit to the potential applications for the market-leading system.
That being said, there are some cases where certain models may be more suited to the task at hand. For example, if you are using your screening bucket to spread material, or backfill a pipe trench, then a wider 100, 120 or 150 model may be most suitable. If space is at a premium, then a narrower 60 or 80 model may be your best choice.
No. 3 – Don’t Overfill the Bucket
When it comes to screening quickly, sometimes less is more! Overfilling your Gyru-Star screening bucket can in fact slow it down. In some circumstances, overfilling the bucket can cause damage to the rotors, and you may spill unscreened material from the top of the bucket.
A straightforward way to tell if you have overfilled the bucket is if you can’t see the top rotor. If it is covered, then there is too much material in the bucket, and you likely won’t achieve optimal screening speed.
No. 4 – Feed the Rotors as You Screen
It is important to remember, however, that the model you choose will still be governed by the carrier weight.
As the bucket empties and the material moves around, the ideal screening angle will change. To ensure that you are still using the entire screening area, slowly curl the bucket as you are screening. This steadily feeds the rotors, ensuring maximum efficiency.
You can see a great example of this in the video below:
No. 5 – Don’t Shake the Bucket
Our final tip for fast and efficient screening is not to shake the bucket! With other types of screening attachments, this can be a necessary step to screen material. However, with Gyru-Star screening buckets this is completely unnecessary, thanks to the non-stick floor and poly-star rotors.
In fact, if the bucket is shaken, then it is likely that unscreened material may be spilt, particularly if the bucket is overfilled.
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Thinking about becoming a Gyru-Star dealer? Get in touch with our team today at sales@gyru-star.com or info@wheatway.com